As the initiators, architects, and champions of the on-the-ground “community and partnership outreach” efforts for the award winning Car-Free Diet program, we are especially proud of our work to establish and permeate this cost-effective and essential TDM component in communities throughout Arlington County, and it has been our privilege to do so for over a decade now! We created a suite of programs and resources to engage a variety of audiences in the Arlington community in order to build lasting relationships and inspire commuters to change their behavior.
Community engagement sits at the heart of the Car-Free Diet - convincing folks to reduce their single-occupancy vehicle trips is no easy task! Our street teams of brand ambassadors take pride in their efforts to educate the public about their travel options and engage in meaningful conversations that are enduring and impactful. To date, NeoNiche has hosted over 1200 community events, engaging over 225,000 people and distributing nearly a million brochures! Watch our annual report summary which details our most recent efforts to continue growing the reach of the Car-Free Diet program in Arlington County: 2020 Annual Report.
NeoNiche also developed, implemented and managed Arlington County Commuter Services (ACCS) partnership efforts to build the Car-Free Diet Partner program. The program now consists of a network of over 400 community organizations, professional institutions, restaurants, retailers, and academic institutions. We strengthened our Car-Free Diet Partner program by creating the Car-Free Diet Connector, a bi-monthly newsletter that features articles about transit, local events and highlights a partner business.
Videos remain one of our most effective communication tools and offers us the opportunity to engage with new audiences. NeoNiche has produced and distributed videos for a variety of strategic TDM planning initiatives, all of which are highly visible and highly trafficked at community events, government and community facilities, geographic and local transit hubs.